Shri Kripaluji Maharaj

Audio Lectures by Siddheshvari Didi Ji

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1 MP3 CD
USD $20.00
Ram Katha
By Siddheshvari Devi Ji
In English
Didi Ji delivered these lectures at Radha Madhav Dham in April 2013. In this series of eight discourses, Didi Ji talks about the lessons we should learn from the various leelas performed by Shri Ram and other characters of Ramayan.
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2 tracks, 57 min,
USD $7.00
Radha Govind Geet
By Sung by Siddheshvari Devi Ji
In English
1. Radha Govind Geet Verses (Gopi Prem) (29:26 min)
2. Radha Govind Geet Verses (Sakhya Ras) (28:24 min)
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One CD, 80 min
USD $7.00
Free Will versus Destiny
By Siddheshvari Devi
In English
It seems like people are divided into two camps in the world today. They either believe that everything that happens to us in this life is pre-destined and we are helpless in the hands of destiny or that we have the freedom to exercise our will while performing all actions. This debate between "Free Will and Destiny" can only be settled with the help of scriptures and scriptural knowledge. However, the Vedic scriptures can be confusing and difficult to understand to the average person. Didi Ji provides an easy to understand explanation of this age old debate with the help of scriptural references. She explains the reasons on why the human form is such a coveted life form and how our daily ac
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One CD, 79 mins
USD $7.00
Living a Balanced Life
By Siddheshvari Devi
In English
Human beings are a combination of the "Body" and the "Soul". Soul is "What we are" and body is "What we have". This distinction is very important as it is the first step towards understanding the importance of living a balanced life. The "World" is necessary for the sustenance of the body and "God" is necessary for nourishment of the soul. Taking care of one aspect of our life at the expense of the other is what leads to an imbalanced lifestyle. In this lecture, Didi Ji explains that moderation in eating, sleeping and other worldly activities in combination with spending a part of our day in meditation of God is what helps nourish both the Body and the Soul and helps us lead a balanced life.
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One CD, 77 mins
USD $7.00
Power of Meditation
By Siddheshvari Devi
In English
When people hear the word "meditation" different images conjure up in their mind. These images typically involve sitting down quietly and focusing on one particular object or symbol. The object or symbol being focused upon could be the tip of a flame, the tip of a nose, the third eye or the symbol Om. In this lecture, Didi Ji explains that meditation need not be confined to these limits. The main aim of meditation should be quieten our mind and start to fall in love with the Supreme Lord. While explaining the three different aspects of God- Brahm, Parmatma and Bhagvan, she gives us some practical techniques on how to focus our minds on the personal form of God and harness the power of medita
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Set of 2 CDs, 77 mins and 80 mins
USD $12.00
Mending the Mind (Part I and II)
By Siddheshvari Devi
In English
The human life form is a very privileged life form because it is only human beings that have been granted the privilege of attaining spiritual knowledge - knowledge that goes beyond eating, mating and sleeping. According to the Vedas, if we squander away this lifetime and do not use it in the pursuit of spiritual knowledge then we will be forced to take lower life forms for many years. Our scriptures also say that our mind alone is the reason for bondage and liberation in this life while acknowledging that it is very difficult (though not impossible) to control. Our mind is constantly being tormented by several ailments like anger, greed, envy, desire etc. simultaneously. In this two-part le
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Set of 7 CDs with an hour on each CD
USD $40.00
Geeta Lectures
By Siddheshvari Devi
In English
In this series of seven talks, Siddheshvari Devi Ji has extracted essential knowledge from the Geeta. The first lesson learned is that one must not identify oneself with the physical and mortal body but with the divine and mortal body but with the divine and immortal soul. Next, it is explained that every individual soul must surrender to God. The meaning of surrender is disclosed as ‘the stage of complete inactivity.’ Since the mind is the performer of actions, it is the mind which must be surrendered to God. It is explained logically that the world, to which the mind is currently surrendered, does not possess true happiness. Once the mind turns away from the material world, a divine guru i
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1 audio CD, 55 min
USD $7.00
Precautions for aspiring devotees
By Siddheshvari Devi
In English
Siddheshvari Devi Ji advises the aspiring devotee on the pitfalls on the devotional path and outlines the precautions to be taken. An English subtitled DVD called "Cautioning all spiritual aspirants" is also available where by Shri Maharaj Ji talks on the same topic
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Set of 14 CDs with 13 discourses, 75 min each
USD $60.00
Path to God- Realization
By Siddheshvari Devi
In English
In this set of 13 discourses given over a two week period in 2006, Siddheshvari Devi Ji discusses, in a sequential manner, the various paths one can follow on their spiritual journey. Starting with the basic questions such as Who am I, What do I want, How will I attain it, the series concludes with the importance of a living Guru on the spiritual path. Each lecture is 75-80 minutes long.
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4 discourses on 1 MP3 CD
USD $20.00
Bhagvatam Maharaas Chapters (MP3)
By Siddheshvari Devi
In English
A set of four discourses on Chapters 29-33 of the tenth canto of the Bhagvatam describing the special significance of Maharaas. The Bhagvatam explains this passtime of Lord Krishna with the Gopis as the highest divine bliss that a devotee can attain. Each discourse is approximately 70 minutes long. These MP3s are suitable for listening on the i-pod, computer, or any MP3 player
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1 audio CD, 39 min
USD $7.00
Importance of Faith
By Siddheshvari Devi
In English
Siddheshvari Devi Ji explains in this lecture why having faith in God and Guru is of utmost importance in making spiritual progress.
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1 audio CD, 52 min
USD $7.00
Who is Radha?
By Siddheshvari Devi
In English
In this lecture given on Radha Ashtmi in 2006, Siddheshvari Devi Ji quotes from various scriptures explaining the true identity of Shri Radha Rani.
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1 audio CD, 34 min
USD $7.00
Six Characteristics of Self Surrender
By Siddheshvari Devi
In English
Didi Ji explains what self-surrender to God and Guru means and describes the six characteristics of surrender.
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1 audio CD, 57 min
USD $7.00
True meaning of Thanksgiving
In English
Lecture given by Siddheshvari Devi Ji on Thanksgiving Day in 2007. Didi Ji explains in detail what an aspiring devotee should be thankful for.
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Set of 2 MP3 CDs with 13 discourses
USD $30.00
Path to God- Realization (MP3)
By Siddheshvari Devi
In English
An MP3 version of the above mentioned series of 13 discourses on the Path to God Realization available on two MP3 CDs. These MP3s are suitable for listening on the i-pod, computer, or any MP3 player
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1 audio CD, 48 min
USD $7.00
Devotion: Path to Divine Bliss
In English
In this lecture, Didi Ji explains why devotion is the only path that takes the aspirant to the ultimate goal of God-realization